Carton Collection

Carton Collection

Paul S. Carton

The Man

Paul S. Carton (1949-2008) who died recently was a world renowned reed organ expert. He collected many instruments and restored many for himself and customers of St Louis Reed Organ, his company. His shop was a landmark for people who drove by or walked by to stand eyes pressed to the windows for long periods of time just to see all the wonders that sat inside. Many neighbors would enjoy his playing of the large Mason Hamlin 3 manual organ as he was an accomplished organist who traveled the world visiting and hearing all sorts of organs in England, Scotland and Europe.

In recent years his collection shrank a bit because of a fire in his warehouse roof that damaged the building irreparably. The surviving organs were moved to a new warehouse.

In 2007 he fought cancer and lost the battle in early 2008.

The Collection

The collection of instruments number around 60 with parts for others. Piano World Enterprises has been asked to sell his highest quality instruments and on this page we have put those up for your enjoyment and purchase. We will be putting up as much information as possible here. These were also put on eBay for purchase as well and many of them sold. If you want something here please let us know your offer as soon as possible. The top notch rare organs have mostly sold the less expensive organs still are available.

While some have been restored by Mr. Carton, not all instruments are in great or even playable condition. Piano World Enterprises is a restoration facility and anything we sell can be restored by us as well. This will be a separate agreement after the sale of your desired instrument. We also refinish in the original antique shellac methods or modern lacquers as you wish.

If you wish to visit the organs you may make an appointment to do so. They are located in a warehouse in St. Louis. We will need to make arrangements for this as we do not own this warehouse. Videos have been made for most of these instruments and others will be going up as well.

We can help you move your purchase into your truck or we can arrange nationwide transportation. We charge no additional fee for this service but our cross country mover will need payment before scheduling the move.

Restored organs:

Mason & Hamlin 1 manual SOLD

Estey Gibson organ SOLD

Restored organs

Mason Hamlin concert organ with pedal point stop

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