Newman Brothers

Newman Brothers

Reed Organ


Serial number #6184 built 1909

Price: $5,590.00

Christmas Sale price $4,490.00

Price good only til 1-1-2011

Musicians consistently tell us that our restored organs are in the best condition and tune that they have ever played.

Price is only slightly more than what it would cost to fully restore and refinish this organ just like it is

We can always tell you all about instruments that we sell and restore. As usual we know everything about this one. It has had a COMPLETE restoration by our top reed organ technician, in fact it is from his personal collection.

When we restore something we do not want to go out on warranty repairs. We make sure that every piece of material that can deteriorate is replaced. That way we can warranty the antique instrument for one to five years and know it is VERY UNLIKELY that we will have to go see it for a free repair.

This great sounding organ is completely restored and will not need anything for 30-50 years. Refinished just like the original finish. Includes specially built slant top organ bench just like the orginal--finished to match.

Dark Walnut case

Stop list:


Dulcet (Soft of diapason)


Cremona (Soft of Principal)

BAss Coupler

Vox Humana

Treble coupler

Echo Horn (Soft of Celeste)


Vox Angelica (Soft of Melodia)


We can help you set up professional movers for cross country. if you wish to come pick it up yourself you may bring cash. Pickup must be within 30 days of purchase. If you live within 100 miles of Alton IL I can deliver it for a $120. fee. If you are within 20 miles of Alton I will deliver it to your living room for no charge.

Sale Price $4,490.00

Price Good Only Til 1-1-2011

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